Specializing in Phased Array Testing and Inspection

At Axiom Advanced Inspection Services LLC, we cater to companies in the fabrication industry in Houston, TX for their inspection needs. Checking for component defects in your pipes or vessels is vital to any operation. Our thorough testing services help you detect small but crucial issues so that you can address them before they become critical problems.


Our company specializes in phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT). This technique uses sophisticated multielement array transducers and powerful software to steer high-frequency sound beams through the test piece and map returning echoes.

Giving You Comprehensive Testing Results

PAUT gives you pictures of internal structures similar to that of a medical ultrasound. Multiple angle scans with beam steering and sweeping can be performed from the same probe configuration. This gives you full images of the areas tested. The combination of several angles also helps to identify, discern, and size complex damage mechanisms.

Our nondestructive testing services are used for the examination of structural metals, pipeline welds, aerospace components, and similar applications. We also offer magnetic particle inspections.

Get in Touch With Us

Our company is based in Conroe, TX. Call us today to schedule an inspection. We look forward to working with you.